Many households think they are planning carefully for retirement. In many cases, they are not. Weak spots in their retirement planning and saving may go unnoticed.
529 plans were originally designed to help prepare for future college costs by offering tax-free growth and withdrawals when funds are being used toward “qualified higher education expenses.” In 2017 the benefits of 529 plans were expanded to add K-12 education tax-free distributions for private, public, or religious school tuition expenses of up to $10,000 per year.
It’s comforting to know that your financial institution has your back when it comes to protecting your money. That is why Consumers Credit Union provides 24-hour fraud monitoring services and offers a number of tools to help protect our members from fraud.
Consumers Credit Union will hold its 88th Annual Meeting on Wednesday, March 14, 2018 with voting and registration starting at 5:30 p.m. and dinner at 6:30 p.m.
In your everyday life, you’re likely to come across free public Wi-Fi “hotspots”. They can be handy, but these public networks can also be a major security risk.